
Core Concepts:

Teasure resources,

Enlighten intelligence,

Bring brightness and charity to the world

Corporate spirits:





Sunny’s non-ferrous objectives:

     Based upon the tungsten industry, we aim to furnish good-quality products, services, technology and information for our customers, create an intelligent team combining management, science, technology, and culture, and achieve a non-ferrous-metal company with the great brightness!

新乐市| 西城区| 吐鲁番市| 南阳市| 毕节市| 文水县| 迁西县| 岳池县| 龙口市| 曲水县| 柳江县| 荆门市| 灌阳县| 青海省| 梁山县| 鹿邑县| 岢岚县| 类乌齐县| 兖州市| 海南省| 江达县| 米脂县| 尚义县| 平舆县| 柳林县| 定襄县| 阳东县| 上饶县| 柏乡县| 乐陵市| 阆中市| 府谷县| 高邮市| 宁南县| 临泽县| 湛江市| 恩平市| 安阳县| 富源县| 三原县| 淮北市|