
Ferro tungsten 70/80

Types: Ferrotungsten 70, Ferrotungsten 80 Ferrotungsten 70/80 is an alloy composed primarily of tungsten (W) and iron (Fe), with tungsten content ranging between 70% and 80%. It is a critical material

Consulting Products

TypesFerrotungsten 70, Ferrotungsten 80


Ferrotungsten 70/80 is an alloy composed primarily of tungsten (W) and iron (Fe), with tungsten content ranging between 70% and 80%. It is a critical material used as an additive in the production of high-strength steels and alloys, enhancing their hardness, wear resistance, and heat resistance properties.


Appearance: Typically a grey to dark grey metallic appearance, without obvious lumps or foreign matter. The material is usually supplied in lump, granulated, or powder form, depending on the application requirements.


Particle SizeWe can offer 0-50mm. 


Purity: Ferrotungsten 70/80 is produced to meet stringent purity standards, with a tungsten content of 70-80% and minimal impurities, ensuring consistent performance in metallurgical applications.



High-Speed Steel: The addition of ferrotungsten to steel enhances its hardness and thermal stability, making it ideal for cutting tools and machinery components that operate at high speeds and temperatures.


Wear-Resistant Alloys: Ferrotungsten is used in the production of alloys that require high resistance to wear and abrasion, such as in mining and drilling equipment.


Heat-Resistant Steels: The presence of tungsten in ferrotungsten improves the heat resistance of steel, making it suitable for use in furnace parts, jet engine components, and other high-temperature environments.


Magnetic Alloys: Ferrotungsten contributes to the production of magnetic alloys with enhanced magnetic properties, used in electrical applications and devices.


Ferrotungsten 70/80 is a vital additive in the metallurgical industry, providing essential properties such as hardness, wear resistance, and thermal stability to various steel and alloy products. Its production and careful processing are crucial to ensure the performance and reliability of the final products.


Packaging Options:

1. Ton Bag

2. Iron Drum
3. Custom packaging available upon request.

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